Monday, June 11, 2012

for a reason

If they were rings, I'd push them onto
every one of my fingers
if I had enough skin I'd tattoo each word
I think I have already memorized
my favorites
the ones that made my heart jump
and sing
and beat for a reason.

there is always a but

there are no rings
I have only enough skin for me
and my heart needs more reasons
to beat
than comments posted on my writing,
whether one, two, or eighty-three

I still want them
all eighty-three
all on my fingers
all over my skin
where I can see them
where I can feel my heartbeat.

~ June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

back to sea

the worst feeling in the world
is the tide sucking back out to sea
sucking at my ankles
because at the shore that's only how deep it goes
not enough to take me with it
only enough that I can feel
what's leaving me behind

~June 10, 2012