In the shiny pictures on boxes
the detailed instructions
on how to use the products
they leave a lot out
like how your brand-new toaster oven
won't stay brand-new, perfect and shiny
it gets dirty when you use it
it gathers dust
and crumbs
and grease
and looks disgusting
like how using your hair dye won't
color your life flawless and happy
no color is that vibrant
like how shopping
and acquiring
and endlessly seeking is endless
because the new products will always
be new
and your life will always be getting older
and worn out
and faded like the turquoise in your hair
after one washing
so the whole thing's a joke
they can't really sell you what's on the box
what's in the packet
they sell you what's in your mind
and I don't mean they like some
'evil corporate entity'
I mean your mind sells you itself
you sell yourself
what you want to buy
and you never
get it.
~ 9 December 2012
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