Saturday, August 21, 2010

Used To

I'm used to a lot of things.
I'm used to a torrent of emotions
I'm used to waiting for them
to change on their own
I'm used to not owning my
emotions or choices to change things
and recently
I may have gotten used to
not being myself.
Maybe I had to get used to that -
to being another person I didn't
necessarily know, or like -
in order to make the choice
to change my emotions.
To get used to better things.

~August 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010


My brain is a black lightbulb
waiting to burn out.
Break its shard shell
and let in the light
that I cannot seem to
turn on myself.

~August 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010


What a treacherous sea I sail
in my boat of fear.
Perched on its glass bottom,
I can never be sure
if I am safe from the wide waters
that lie below me,
swarming with every possibility.
My gaze is fixed.
No regard for what sky
may spread above me,
or what sails may take me there.

~August 2010