Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Want Ad

I've filled my house
with furniture I cannot use

A table of only legs
chairs whose fabric scrubs my skin
sleep made impossible
by a bed that hangs
upside down from the ceiling

I'm not sure I even recognize
myself in these strange mirrors

But I can't move out.

Please help me, you who have experience
in making furnishings make sense.
Together we can build
something off which to eat,
find softer cloth,
with caution, lower my bed
to the floor.
Please, if you recognize me
help me back home.

~April 3, 2012

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Inside Out

You slipped into my heart
and turned it inside out
to show me what I loved
and it wasn't you
and that was ok
because you weren't real
and so I knew
that all you wanted
was for me to know myself
and maybe you had had
your heart turned inside out too
maybe we were both born like that
and so you knew me
because our hearts beat the same way
not toward each other
but side by side.
So thank you for your hands
on my heart
pushing gently in
the other direction

~April 1st, 2012


jewels shone around me
bigger than stars
so I picked the brightest one
in case I never got the chance again
I clutched that jewel in my fist
until it shattered into my hand
and now we are both broken
bleeding jewel, and me,
and separating the two
is my constant crimson chore

~April 1st, 2012